Alien Anatomy New Theories and Extra Terrestrial Speculation

alien anatomy
theories and speculation

Analyzing the mysteries of the world, proposing possible scenarios, and asking questions. This is where you’ll find theories and speculation about Ancient Earth and many other topics. These are not the same explanations you’ve heard before, these are Alien Anatomy theories and speculation!

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Alien Anatomy

Welcome! I write in peace!

Hello People of Earth!

If you have found this page, chances are you possess a curious mind and happened upon my blog in your search for explanations pertaining to one of Earth’s many secrets.  Here you will find Alien Anatomy theories and speculation about many topics.  I will do my best to keep each article relatively short and to the point, but when delving into certain subjects some articles may get a bit lengthy.

The content you can expect to read about here include articles about;

  • The Lost City of Atlantis
  • Human Evolution
  • Lost Ancient Cultures and Knowledge
  • High Brazil and Other Sunken Cities
  • Current Scientific Explanations, Methods of Testing, and Their Accuracy
  • The Ancient Gods and Goddesses
  • The Sphinx
  • The Snake
  • Life on Earth
  • Genetic Memory
  • The Formation of The Universe
  • Ancient Magic
  • And Many Other Topics Concerning Ancient Cultures

I may occasionally post some potentially controversial thoughts on government cover-ups, conspiracy theories, and UFO phenomenon as well.  Such topics include the Roswell incident, the legendary Men in Black, and just how much the various governments of the world know and why they might be keeping secrets. Consider yourself warned.  If you enjoy reading my thoughts on these topics and wish to hear more or to debate me please find me on Twitter @AlienAnatomyTC or on Facebook at  You may also email me at to request my thoughts on a specific subject. Now without further ado please join me on my decent into madness!

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