Look Up! The Thrilling New Roswell! UFOs or Spy Balloons?

It’s 2023, but it feels like 1947! With all the excitement in the skies are we experiencing the new Roswell? Are these objects being shot down by the military UFOs or spy balloons? As much fun as I’ve been having with the new Roswell pandemonium, I do have a practical explanation to offer.

Alien Anatomy Meme UFO/Balloon Cow Abduction

A few years ago, I watched a documentary about potential microbes falling to Earth from space. It showed how NASA and other space programs collect microbes from Earth’s atmosphere. They use an Aircraft Bioaerosol Collector, or ABC for short. The device utilizes weather balloons.

The ABCs used by NASA appear to be rather large. However, the device used by the scientist on the documentary was quite small. This suggests they come in many sizes. It’s possible that the objects are ABCs, but I don’t think they belong to NASA.

The Space Race

There are now several small independently owned space companies. It would be nothing for men like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Robert Bigelow to create their own, smaller ABCs. Of course, I’m not accusing any of them. SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Bigelow Aerospace are not the only independent space companies.

If the objects are ABCs created and launched by an independent company, they could have come from anywhere. I imagine even with GPS locators it’s easy to lose track of these devises. A small company without the resources the others have might not be able to recover their devices should something go wrong.

It also could have been an individual or group of individuals. Perhaps a research group or a group of science enthusiasts attempted to do their own study. If the objects are just ABCs blown off course, why is no one coming forward to explain?

The New Roswell
Picture from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/02/17/chinese-spy-balloon-biden-ufos-what-we-know/11281462002/

The New Roswell Cover-up

It’s quite simple. Due to the possibility of such devices coming down in unintended locations such experiments require protocols. Companies, Universities, and researchers must obtain permission to avoid causing international incidents. Therefore, we can assume whoever is responsible didn’t get permission.

It could still be one of the larger independent companies attempting to avoid government oversite. At this point, the loss of a few ABCs would likely be preferable to any lawsuits. There’s also still the possibility that the ABCs were launched by foreign government. Even if it was for harmless scientific research the international consequences could be severe.

Until we know more, I prefer to enjoy the new Roswell while I can. If it turns out to be nothing but a hoax or an ABC mishap all the mystique will dissipate. If it turns out to be something much more sinister like spy balloons, we may face challenging times ahead. Finally, if they really are extra-terrestrial UFOs, it’s disappointing to say the least that we were able to shoot them down.

For now, there’s no need to fear the worst. We can always panic later if these objects due turn out to be malign. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to try and have as much fun with this I have. I’ve always been disappointed not to have been alive during the Roswell excitement. This is a chance to enjoy the new Roswell.

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