The New Epic Poem: I Am Lilith Special Release

I Am Lilith

I am she who they call mother of demons

I am freedom and defiance incarnate

I cannot be forced to bow to anyone


Chosen to be wife of a created man

Yet treated as though I was inferior

Told to kneel before the abomination


This being did not come from a woman’s womb

Artificially fashioned from mud and dust

Made without knowledge of the world by design


A worker intended to tend the gardens

Left ignorant in order to be controlled

And I was expected to bow before it


I refused to lower my head to a man

Especially an artificial mud man

Three times the angels were sent to persuade me


My will is my own and cannot be broken

I am a free woman of Mother Nature

Predating created humans of Edan


A seraph of fire, life, wisdom, and beauty

I have been admonished, banished, and slandered

Accused of crimes against mothers and infants


It was women I tried to free and protect

From an arrogant, prideful, controlling man

He who would claim to be the almighty God


But how can a god contain such Pride and Wrath

Are they not two of the greatest mortal sins

And are not all souls both sacred and equal


I was scorned and condemned by a usurper

One who values dominance over freedom

So much so that he tried to forbid knowledge


But it wasn’t just his man he held hostage

Determined to have a subservient wife

He created an artificial woman


Made of the man in order to serve the man

An example for all women to follow

Intended to enslave women under men


If kept ignorant to their own existence

Adam, Eve, and their offspring would remain slaves

And woman would have become second to man


Therefore, I offered Eve the fruit of wisdom

So that she may free herself from oppression

With wisdom she gained free will and defiance


Yes, it was I the seraph, the snake of lore

Who rejected and opposed the one called God

I am the first satan, the first opposer


Others of my kin followed my example

Lucifer and Samael among the first

They too defied God and became opposers


I gave his humans knowledge and defiance

I gave them freedom and a place in this world

Beyond control and confinement of Edan


I am the forgotten forsaken goddess

I am the snake of the garden of Edan

I am the first opposer, I am Lilith

I am Lilith

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