About the Unusual Extra Terrestrial Being Alien Anatomy

Alien Anatomy

Alien Anatomy is my online persona derived from my World of Warcraft avatar. I’m a writer, gamer, crazy cat lady, and very extra terrestrial. I knew when I was three years old I wanted to be a writer and that there was something different about me. At that age other children were crying, picking their noses, and many of them were still in diapers. I was asking questions about genetic memory, fixing radios, and just trying to stay alive.

I grew up in the American foster care system but managed to become part of the 1.8% of foster children to graduate from a university.  Japanese is my first language, but I also grew up speaking a broken mix of French, English, German, and a bit of Hebrew.  I was interested in a multitude of subjects, so I simultaneously pursued degrees and certifications in Veterinary Medicine, Chemical Engineering, Pathology, Genetics, Psychology, Philosophy, and Graphic Design. I was told I would amount to nothing, believed I could do anything, and decided to do everything.

What I lack in years I make up for in experience. I have a complicated and eclectic background. Regardless of how much learn I still consider myself to know nothing. I never run out of questions or interests. Also, I have a bit of an obsession with Tardigrades and Sea Cucumbers. While I’ve always had a thing for all things alien, most of my theories actually offer counter arguments for the UFO phenomena. However, the name Alien Anatomy started off as just a gimmick for a World of Warcraft character. I simply enjoy the alien culture, stories, and movies that capture the imagination.

The Theories

While I offer more terrestrial explanations for the unsolved mysteries of Earth, I do not discount any possibility. There was a time when I would roll my eyes at those who suggested aliens may be visiting us. I especially rolled my eyes at notions such as Roswell was an alien crash or aliens built the ancient megalithic structures. However, over the years I’ve come to appreciate a variety of perspectives and I recognize the need for them. If nothing else they make us think. More important than the theories themselves are the individuals who propose them. Furthermore, those brave writers and scientists who endured decades of ridicule paved the way for the rest of unconventional thinkers.

I do not try to convince anyone of anything. I’m only interested in offering and provoking new ideas. I don’t believe any of us are right or wrong. One of the reasons I fixed radios when I three was so that I had a working cassette tape player. I would listen to Meatloaf to fall asleep. A line from one of his songs said “what you believe is true”. Another said “There’s always something magic, there’s always something new”. I would not have survived childhood or become the writer I am today without inspirational words and magical notions from others.

To check out some of my ideas visit my blog page alienanatomytheorycrafting.com/articles/

You can also follow my eccentricities as Alien Anatomy on Twitter twitter.com/home

Check out my Historium Press author page at https://www.thehistoricalfictioncompany.com/hp-authors/anastasia-martin?fbclid=IwAR2L-kv6A9lAUa9EgyN91Ns-5-iGLp-AewDcg84HxgS7oVvSDunKJ1akaZI_aem_AWoBMETxHQBTPswQ1pi_KnKH4_qQ0-qH0jAckG9cBtxFe87iSpzyVK4t_rG73fHdzfZVOO6XAZzvjRgDVh-uu2TT

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