New Epic Poem: Curse of the Atlanteans

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I am but a scribe of the ancients of Earth

But let me impart to you the History

This is the tale of the Atlanteans curse


Atlantis was the global society

Ruled by the kings of each natural species

A coalition of Earth’s societies


Possessing superior intelligence

They maintained their connection to the planet

As well as to the natural universe


They created without contaminating

They did not destroy or pollute the planet

They built without harming life in any way


Massive structures and delicate gold items

Created with remarkable precision

With care and respect to the natural world


Surrounded by riches but without greed

The kings did not covet what others possessed

Each ruled his own territory with wisdom


But they grew lazy and arrogant with time

So, the great builders fashioned a new species

Intended to build and tend gardens for them


These new laborers would be lesser beings

Cognitively inferior to the kings

Mere tools for them to use to serve their own needs


Designed with traits contributed by each king

Capable of servicing deeper desires

Able to procreate to make more work force


The kings interbred with these lesser beings

From their unions offspring were born with new traits

Such as a greater degree of awareness


However, these children lacked the kings’ wisdom

Angered by their own inferiority

They began to covet what others possessed


They desired land, gold, knowledge, and power

Some of these descendants of kings took the thrones

Corruption festered within the hybrid species


Unsatisfied with thrones and territories

The corrupted kings broke the most sacred law

The kings made war with, and killed their own brothers


The old ancestral kings were disgusted

And enraged by what their children had become

So the kings doused the planet in flood waters


All the buildings and possessions were destroyed

But most importantly, so too old knowledge

Leaving only their descendants behind


Then the old kings abandoned their home of Earth

The artificial species was left alone

With only legends of their past to guide them


The old kings hoped the new species would acclimate

Left to natural surroundings they might change

Become more natural themselves and evolve


However, they failed to connect to the Earth

Unable to understand the universe

The new species repeated mistakes of old


Fascination with gold and objects remained

Residual corruption lingered within

The past was forgotten by the new species


The new species was the only one on Earth

Yet they continued to find reasons to war

All while drifting further away from nature


Humans learned to make their own technologies

But inferior to their predecessors

Toxic and harmful, even to its makers


Creation now pollutes and destroys the Earth

Now humans seek to follow their ancestors

Attempting to escape Earth and reach the stars


This plague cannot be allowed to spread beyond

It must be contained to Earth at any cost

Even if it means sacrificing this planet


Humanity cannot infect the cosmos

Let them suffer on the planet they squandered

Ever hungering and never satisfied

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A reading by the writer

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