Forbidden Horoscope Secrets: Why Astrology Is Important

Forbidden Horoscope Secrets

The Astrological Cycle has long held the fascination of many and possibly forbidden horoscope secrets.  Archeologists believe the astrological ages were important to many different cultures.  Evidence suggests that the ancient cultures of Earth tracked every aspect of the night sky including the constellations and that they applied specific attributes and values to those constellations.

Even today we are still checking our horoscopes and singing songs about specific astrological ages.  Why did our ancestors place such significance on the various star formations?  What forbidden horoscope secrets might we discover upon further study? Why do we still concern ourselves with both our Eastern and Western Zodiac signs?

Cosmic Relationships

One reason could be that that we instinctually know the importance of the cosmic layout and the relationships between stars.  Einstein’s theory of Quantum Entanglement suggests that even if two molecules or objects are far apart, they can still potentially perceive and be affected by what happens to one another.  Ernst Mach hypothesized that there is a relationship between the forces we can feel and observe here on Earth and those which exist elsewhere throughout the cosmos.

If we delve a little deeper into both of these concepts and consider what we have thus far observed about forces, energies, and astral relationships, would we begin noticing correlations between an individual’s horoscope and specific measurable changes to both physical and metaphysical attributes of that individual during certain astrological alignments or events?

As an example, might we be able to observe the electromagnetic fields of individuals born under certain astrological conditions and compare them with others born under those exact conditions?  Then might we observe how their EM fields react to different energies, changes in Earth’s magnetic field, and specific astrological events?  What if the constellations really do influence living organisms here on Earth as it rotates and orbits changing its location relative to the stars in those constellations?

Movement and Changes

Could it be as simple as cosmic movement producing subtle changes to the physical forces and energies on Earth influencing the formation of DNA as a living organism is conceived and/or developing?  If the formation of an individual’s DNA is determined by such influence, could our Zodiac signs really shape our personality?

Did the ancient people of Earth notice correlations between personality types and the astrological conditions under which they occurred?  Or were some people sensitive enough to perceive changes in magnetism or natural frequencies happening around them?

Perhaps Scientist today shouldn’t be too quick to ignore Astrology.  What is it’s not a “junk science”?  Could further study of Astrology reveal ancient forbidden secrets about the universe?  Astrophysicists study correlations between the placement and movements of cosmic bodies, interactions with matter, and the known physical forces of the universe such as gravity and frequency.

The Ancients

It would seem that ancient cultures on Earth were doing the same thing.  If the electromagnetic field, gravity, and natural frequency of Earth changes subtly with each astrological age, would that merit further study into the science of Horoscopes?  Might we discover that each slight variance of the planet’s forces correlates to the physical attributes of developing life forms?

Could the location of the planet and its relationship to other astrological bodies at the time a person is born determine that person’s electromagnetic field and natural frequency?  If so, do our individual electromagnetic fields and frequencies have any influence on other attributes such as personality?

As we study the potential connections to planetary alignments, natural forces, and how they impact our own development, other correlations may emerge.  Those who believe in the study of Astrology claim that specific cosmic events and planetary alignments influence their physical and mental health.  Might there be some truth to this?

The Science

If the cosmos is constantly moving and shifting causing subtle changes in the physical forces, it’s quite possible those changes impact all matter in the universe including life forms on a planet’s surface.  Should we start looking at Astrology with the same mindset with which we view Astrophysics?  Perhaps there are aspects of Astrology which when studied by Astrophysicists might further progress our understanding of the cosmos and the ways in which it potentially influences Earth.

We may also discover more about our own ancient past and how our ancestors were able to achieve mindboggling architectural structures that we cannot replicate with our current understanding and technologies.  Did the great architects of the past encode forbidden knowledge learned from studying the stars into their creations?

If the study of the stars provided our ancestors with insights into concepts of Physics that we have barely scratched the surface on, maybe we can obtain those same insights by following in their footsteps.  By taking a closer look at Astrology and understanding the roles it played in the ancient cultures of the world, perhaps we can make some meaningful advancements in our other fields of study.

Scientists are too quick to dismiss the teachings of the ancients as mythology, superstition, or pseudoscience without really examining the details.  It is my opinion that the purpose of science is to examine everything and continue to ask questions rather than to draw conclusions and provide answers.  Instead of being presumptuous and dismissive, scientists should remain curious and open-minded.  By disregarding Astrology are scientist missing key pieces to the overall puzzle?

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