Tag: speculation

  • The Island of HyBrasil Now Lost Forever?

    The Island of HyBrasil If you have never heard of the island of HyBrasil, it’s another Atlantis like story.  Legend says that somewhere off the west coast of Ireland an enchanted island appears every seven years.  Normally it’s shrouded fog.  Sounds like a fairy tale?  Maybe, but before you disregard this particular legend consider the…

  • Taboo Subject: The Truth About Covid-19

    Three years later Covid-19 is still a taboo subject.  This is due to the fear, pain, and hatred caused by the pandemic.  Political agendas, woefully unprepared medical professionals, government incompetency, and overall human arrogance only served to worsen the situation.  Tempers ran high as embarrassed officials began pointing fingers at one another rather than working…

  • Look Up! The Thrilling New Roswell! UFOs or Spy Balloons?

    It’s 2023, but it feels like 1947! With all the excitement in the skies are we experiencing the new Roswell? Are these objects being shot down by the military UFOs or spy balloons? As much fun as I’ve been having with the new Roswell pandemonium, I do have a practical explanation to offer. A few…

  • Media Cover-up of the UFO Roswell Crash Incident

    The Roswell crash happened in 1947 only two years after World War Two ended.  Countries were still rebuilding, recovering, and reconciling.  Some skirmishes were still occurring.  Families were still grieving and fearful.  Soldiers were still missing.  Some soldiers remained unaware that the war was over until they were found and brought home years later.  Some…

  • The Sphinx: Thrilling New Questions About Who Built It

    The Sphinx of Egypt has long captured and perplexed the minds of many. Over the years scholars and scientists have attempted to answer the many questions still surrounding the sphinx including who built it. Some have even built careers trying to uncover the merely the first three mysteries of the sphinx.  Who built it, when,…

  • Forbidden Horoscope Secrets: Why Astrology Is Important

    The Astrological Cycle has long held the fascination of many and possibly forbidden horoscope secrets.  Archeologists believe the astrological ages were important to many different cultures.  Evidence suggests that the ancient cultures of Earth tracked every aspect of the night sky including the constellations and that they applied specific attributes and values to those constellations.…

  • The Search For Atlantis: Thrilling New Context On Plato’s Ancient Myths

    Surely by now everyone is familiar with the search for Atlantis.  Some believe it was destroyed thousands of years ago by a natural disaster such as a volcanic eruption, tsunami, or solar flare flash melting the glacial ice and causing a sudden rise in sea level.  Others believe it was destroyed by a lost ancient…

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